Our Complaints Procedure
Dispute Resolution: Complaints Sourcebook (DISP)
Complaints received by Letter.
All complaints received by letter should be forwarded to the Compliance Officer for a written
Complaints received by email.
All complaints received by email should be forwarded to the Compliance Officer’s email address as
high importance.
Complaints received by telephone.
All complaints received by telephone should be handled with courtesy, if there is any doubt if the
call is a complaint the customer should be asked if they wish their call to be logged as a complaint.
Details should then be forwarded to the Compliance Officer.
Complaints that are received and resolved by the end of the next business day are not reportable to
the FCA.
If a complaint remains unresolved by the end of the next working day, an acknowledgement should
be sent to the customer by email or letter, notifying them who the investigating officer is, the
position of that person and outline the internal complaints procedure.
A written statement providing the findings will be sent to the complainant within 4 weeks of date of
receipt of complaint, where the complaint is more complex, an explanatory holding response will be
sent advising that additional time is required to investigate the complaint. The Investigating Officer
must provide a final response within 8 weeks or a further explanatory letter advising of the details
for the further delay. This letter must inform the customer that they are entitled to contact the
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) if they are not satisfied with the delay.
Once the complaint has been investigated to a standard the Firm is satisfied with, the findings
should be reported back to the customer and the response retained. The final response letter sent
to the customer should give the address and other contact details of the FOS, so that in the event
that the customer is unsatisfied with the resolution of the complaint they have the opportunity to
pursue the complaint via the FOS scheme within six months of the date of the final email received
from the Firm. For further information on the FOS please see:
Note: The Ombudsman will not consider a case which has not first been referred to the Firm in the
first instance.
All complaints, whether significant or minor, are to be reported to the Compliance Officer and
logged using the Complaints Logs. The record will detail the Firm’s response and any action taken.
The Compliance Department will monitor this and raise any recurring issues for resolution.